Event Details

It's no secret that data is critical for growing/scaling your brand and showing buyers why you deserve shelf space. However, do you know:

  • When is the right time to start using data and why should you care about data?
  • What do Buyers care about and how to effectively talk to Retailers using data?
  • Which insights are most impactful for creating a data powered sell-in story?
  • Which insights can take you to the next level in your growth journey?

If you're looking for answers to these questions, join Naturally Minnesota's member brand, So Good So You, and Naturally Network's national sponsor, SPINS, for a 1-hour workshop at Habermanon July 12th from 3-4pm, followed by a networking happy hour.

So Good So You is nationally #1 shot brand, the #4 functional beverage brand by dollars and the fastest growing brand in the category. So Good So You will share how using data has helped provide buyers and the brand with the data needed to monitor and accelerate growth. SPINS will then walk you through a short "retail data bootcamp," including sharing key examples of how to extract powerful insights for crafting a sell story that will resonate with retailers and amplify your growth.

This event is hosted by Haberman, a full-service marketing communications agency with a 25-plus-year history of modern storytelling for media and marketing. Our mission is to tell the stories of pioneers making a difference in the worldโ€” from leaders of the good food movement and cause marketing innovators to entrepreneurs with life-changing ideas. Storytelling and business strategy unite everything we do across all channels, including branding + design, paid media, public + influencer relations, owned media, data analytics and ESG. As modern storytellers, Haberman helps organizations grow, inspire engagement and drive positive social change. www.modernstorytellers.com.

Where is the Haberman office located?

Haberman is located on the 3rd floor of Main Hall in the Riverplace building. Our office is accessible from the lobby of our building via elevator or stairs. You may also access our office directly by using our ground-level side door on Lourdes Place, across the street from Our Lady of Lourdes Church.

Where can I park?

Metered street parking is available on Lourdes Place and along the river on SE Main Street. There is also an underground parking ramp attached to Riverplace which you enter from 2nd Street SE.

Is there a virtual option?

Yes! While we are sad that you can't make it in, we hope to see you virtually attend via zoom.

Here is the link to join us:

Topic: SPINS Education session

Time: Jul 12, 2023 02:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


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โ€ข 96361700301@zoomcrc.com


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Education Session presented by SPINS + SGSY
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Networking + Happy Hour (Food + Bev provided by Haberman)



Connect with 65 people attending this event


General Admission


Standard Price Complimentary

Can't make it in person? Join us virtually via Zoom!

Standard Price Complimentary


43 SE Main St suite 300

Southeast Main Street 43

If you have any questions please contact Allison McDonald

Contact Organizer

Show on map